Sally Raspberry
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine


Here are a handful of Sally’s client responses:

“Sally is an intuitive healer. I came to see her for acupuncture to treat my reflux issues and not only did that improve, but my sleep got better and I’ve had more energy                   every day.”  -DK

“I was in a motorcycle accident 7 months ago and have had 8 surgeries to repair my knee and shoulder. I was experiencing swelling in my thigh that was noticeably bigger than the other. Sally put needles all around the swollen area and hooked me up to eStim, and 2 days later my leg was almost completely back to normal! After 7 months of being swollen!” -SV

“I see Sally weekly to mitigate the stress of my job. Since seeing her, I’ve been able to enjoy my life more, worry less and be more productive and focused during the day without feeling overwhelmed at work.”   -AS


“I’m an avid weekend golfer with stenosis of the neck and some lumbar disc issues. I see Sally twice a week for acupuncture and it’s allowed me to keep working out and playing golf without feeling stiff and in pain. My golf swing has really improved since starting to see Sally.”  -IA 

“For almost a year I’ve had trouble sleeping from the pain in my lower leg. After one treatment with Sally, the pain is as almost completely gone and after 3 treatments, it was gone entirely and I was finally                          able to sleep!”   -JE